let's make something great, together.

Google I/O


In 2016, Google approached Superfly with a challenge: to reinvigorate its global developers conference, which had become stuffy and tradeshow-like in recent years. With only a week to spare until the initial RFP was due back to the client and very few able bodies to contribute, I paired up with a very talented creative strategist to brainstorm and build out possible experiences.

Together, our ideas and the company’s event production acumen were presented to Google execs and netted Superfly its most lucrative new business opportunity of the year.

While our initial ideas greatly changed over the following months and I branched off onto other projects, I remained a creative resource to help the team throughout the process. At the end of its 3-day run, Google I/O welcomed over 7,000 visitors to this re-imagined experience and took gold in EventMarketer’s Best B2B Environment Award